Sunday, January 13, 2013


<_< I'm really not in the mood for this, but Cecilia thinks it would be good for me to blow off steam with blogging.

We met these guys from ehm...Deicide I think was it & they said that they expirment on a being that is a hybrid of the Rake & Smiling Man.


It is just cruel.

Maybe my involvement with such things makes it kind of hard for me to speak unbiased about the nature of these matters.

I work for one... fear that is <_< If I am going to be honest, I actually like working for the fear I work for(I'm not telling which though, because those Deicide guys would be all over me about it, I assume). That is why I want to help Cecilia, because I know how...ehm o.o Awesome...just the feeling of being on the winning side, the power, the nurture...everything... <ö<

It is just an overwhelmingly good feeling to work for them.

My employer wanted me to keep an eye on Knight o.o
Apparently he doesn't like Knight o.o Don't really see why, he seems alright!

This was relaxing, I should do this more often o.o


  1. It's funny to hear accusations about "Cruelty" from a person who is as equally "Cruel", actually admits to enjoy serving "the winning" side, a side which loves to inflict pain on others.

    Hell you have been reading about people's suffering on other Blogs and enjoyed reading it.


    - Mr. Incognito.

  2. I think you are confusing me with Cecilia. I dont read fearblogs o.o
    You may have a point about the cruelty thing though.

  3. First of all, I'm rather offended that you feel that way o.o
    I'm a good person ^-^' And I'm a damn good friend o.o
    I don't want to start a whole thing here, but just because I like the fears, doesn't mean I should be hated for it, I think you are a bigot Alicia!

  4. You are right of course. The Fear's are the winning side. The thing is, you're not on that side. You're on a board. You're a pawn with the Fears as the players and once someone wins why would they keep playing? The game ends and even the Servants get knocked off the board.

    I don't hate you for siding with the Fears, it's simply one of the options and the one that will probably keep you alive the longest. An intelligent option. But don't delude yourself.

  5. I think you and I would get along very well, Lucia.

    - Zeke Shepard
