Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have to come clean about something before I continue further with this mission.
I have no idea what I'm doing.

For all that I ramble on about Slenderman being not intimidating, that was back when he couldn't you know kill me. Except for my experience the first time around as a runner, I have little idea what I'm up against.
Even my reading of countless of "slenderblogs" aren't really helping, because they basically tell the same tale.

All I can do is try doing the opposite of what I did 119 years ago.
I hope it works.


  1. Don't worry, Cecilia. None of us really know what we're doing. We tend to just make it up as we go on.


    1. Speak for yourself.

      Cecilia, the best thing you can do is not try and theorize about it. Theorizing leads to motives, which are deadly in that they lower your guard, make you get comfortable because you think you know what it wants. Thing is, nobody knows what it wants - or those who did haven't lived to tell the tale.

      My suggestion? Run. Run as fast as you can. Be on your guard, but don't tempt fate by putting yourself in a situation that gives it a better opportunity to come after you.

  2. Thanks,both of you.
    Especially you Knight,but you'll come to see
    in my next post that I already learned my lesson about always
    being alert the hard way.
