Thursday, January 3, 2013


She was a servant of sorts, for what fear I'm not sure.

Some of the fears I've never had to deal with their servants, so that defiantly confused me.

Alright perhaps I should go back a bit.
It started of very normally, I discussed my proposal & offered her payment in return.
All the sudden she flips the table, takes out a gun and points it at me.

"So you're going to hurt Father?"

"Who?" I asked, never having heard that name before.

"My master!"

"Who might that be?"

"Shut up, you ignorant hussy!"

She shot me in the freaking shoulder, the right one. People started fleeing, like is normal for humans.

"BITCH" I yelled & screamed in agony.

As much as my shoulder hurt right then, I tried my best to hold it in. Pain was not something I've had much experience with or at least not since I was like 18 or something, so of course I screamed.

It wasn't until I manage to hit her with a platter that I got enough head start in order to get away.
Although, I'm unsure if I truly shook her off, seems unlikely.

FUCK, that hurt!
It still does. I didn't expect this.


  1. I thought you'd been reading the blogs? It seems like most Slenderproxies (and Archie's puppies as well) have daddy issues.

    1. I suppose, still seems a bit creepy.
      And I guess I knew that they had daddy issues, but I never read of one calling Slendy father & if so then I don't remember it.
