Monday, February 11, 2013


I've been getting better. Although sometimes I still tend to black out, but that doesn't last for long.
While I was out it seems Lucia took care of me, how disgustingly adorable of her. Lucia is now having a jolly ol' time exploring the fun.

I remember some of my dreams, mostly it was similar to that vision I had the other day where I was just shown my grave. Then sometimes I saw my own corpse, rotting in the street as people just walked on by, not even noticing it.

Being honest, that wasn't pleasant at all, although that kind of goes without saying.

The voice from my vision seems to show up. This is probably some fear, evident by the fact that almost NONE of the fears know my name apparently.

God, I was hoping the fears had just figured that I wasn't that big of a target and would just leave me alone.
Alright, I'm cancelling the trip to Belgium entirely now, at least until I get rid of whatever is possessing me.

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