Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Davi is no ordinary timberwolf. I don't know what the fuck she is, but an ordinary timberwolf she is not. Since when do timberwolfs have teleportation abilities? She just appeared in my room, somehow knowing that I had now moved to another hotel.

I went into a defensive position as if I was going to start a brawl with her.

"Come on Quaphsiel, just give up. It's not like anyone is here to kill you. In fact father has forbidden me from killing you. I'm just here for a chat"

I could feel the tension, she was up to something. I charged at her, upon which she teleported away, returning with a knife towards Lucia's throat.

"Ah ah ah! Calm down there Quaphsiel. Let's just talk about this, you pathetic human scum!"

Ouch, that hurt. I don't tolerate being called pathetic or scum for that matter.

We talked for a bit, none of which was all that important. After which I think I managed to ward her off, for the time being, simply because I promised to think about her offer.

 I didn't know what to do. Seeing Luci being held at knife point like that; I think that was the first point that I just started to want a normal life.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

To have a normal life?

Without fear!

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