Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I met with Jack. He was never hard to track as you just had to stumble into the nearest bar and there he was. I don't know a lot about Jack, but I know that he grants wishes...even though they tend to have side effects, still...that is what he does.

"So kiddo, finally decided to crawl to me for a deal?" he said and laughed like a maniac.


"Alright...anything particular you want?"

I wanted, what I stated in my last post. I wanted a life, a life of my own. It didn't take long to explain to him that.

"Alright..." he said and reached for a handshake "deal!"

Where am I now?

I don't know. Everything is dark and I'm surrounded by some sort of prison or a cage. I can't see anything past the bars.

All I have now are the clothes on my back & my laptop. I'm not sure what happened to the fact, but I haven't heard of him in what I perceive to be a long time. The clocks in my computer and on the internet don't work, they just show up a bunch of question marks. I don't know how long I've been here.

This is peaceful. This isn't death, this is fearless living. Outside of this I would have to deal with the fears. In here I can finally live in tranquility.

I won't be using this blog anymore. I don't see the point to it, considering that I'm no longer dealing with or helping the fears. I am just me.

I'm happy!



  1. Well Cecilia, At least you're happy. That's more than most of us can say.


  2. That's not fearless living. That's just living in fear in a convenient location.

  3. I disappear for a couple of weeks and everyone just fall out of the game so easily, another piece, another piece falls out. This is getting troublesome, you just damned yourself, peace? Thats just a delusion, for the weak.

    But then again, I always did view you as a weak person, you would always think you were much more than everyone else, but at certain points you showed humanity, twas the reason why I stuck around, but in the end, you chose the easy way out, and egoists way out.

    Have a good damned existence, your as good as dead now.

    - Mr. Incognito.
